1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,066 This video will introduce syntax to increase the sensitivity of a search strategy. 2 00:00:06,066 --> 00:00:10,066 Let's say I have ten papers that I want to retrieve in my search. 3 00:00:10,066 --> 00:00:15,966 All these papers are on cognitive behavioural therapy and related interventions. 4 00:00:15,966 --> 00:00:22,899 These are the titles of the papers, and I've highlighted the CBT terms in bold text. 5 00:00:22,900 --> 00:00:27,900 If I want to include all these papers in my search strategy, I can do a few things. 6 00:00:27,900 --> 00:00:37,666 I can simply copy out all of the CBT terms into a long list and combine them all with OR. That will retrieve all those 10 papers. 7 00:00:37,666 --> 00:00:40,599 But that makes for a long search strategy. 8 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:48,933 And it also risks the fact that I have missed a way that an author describes CBT that I haven't identified yet. 9 00:00:48,933 --> 00:00:55,966 So I can use search syntax to increase the sensitivity of this search and make the search a lot easier to read. 10 00:00:55,966 --> 00:01:00,666 So here's the same list of those CBT terms in a different order. 11 00:01:00,666 --> 00:01:05,399 So, the first thing I will do is use truncation. 12 00:01:05,400 --> 00:01:11,466 Truncation is where we take a stem of a word, and then we can retrieve possible endings. 13 00:01:11,466 --> 00:01:23,332 So, in this example, I can put an asterisk after the 'p' in therapy, delete the 'y' and that will retrieve therapy, singular, or therapies, plural. 14 00:01:23,333 --> 00:01:29,499 So this now means I can delete this line because it's redundant. 15 00:01:29,500 --> 00:01:32,000 I can do the same thing with behaviour. 16 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:43,733 So I can truncate after the 'o' and that will give us the behaviour US spelling 'ior' and also the British spelling 'iour'. 17 00:01:43,733 --> 00:01:48,366 Alternatively, I can use a wild card. 18 00:01:48,366 --> 00:01:53,232 A wild card can stand for zero or one character. 19 00:01:53,233 --> 00:02:01,566 So if it stands with zero characters, it's going to give us 'ior', or one character, it will retrieve 'iour'. 20 00:02:01,566 --> 00:02:04,832 So I'll go ahead and add that. 21 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:07,233 So we can combine search syntax. 22 00:02:07,233 --> 00:02:16,066 So I can also add a truncation after the 'r' to retrieve both 'behaviour' and 'behavioural'. 23 00:02:16,066 --> 00:02:25,399 So if I do that in this particular search, I can now delete these other two lines because they will be retrieved in this third line. 24 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:28,400 We can also add in proximity searching. 25 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:37,766 And that will retrieve different various forms that we have on our left: 'behavioural therapy', 'behavioural treatment', 'behavioural control'. 26 00:02:37,766 --> 00:02:45,666 So what I can do is combine all these different possible endings with OR 27 00:02:45,666 --> 00:03:02,466 So I can type in 'treatment' or potentially 'treatments', or 'control', or 'approaches'. Then close that bracket. 28 00:03:02,466 --> 00:03:14,432 What I want to do is say let's find 'cognitive behaviour' within so many words of 'therapy', 'treatment', or 'control', or 'approaches'. 29 00:03:14,433 --> 00:03:23,533 So I can put in a proximity indicator, 'adj' if I'm using Ovid, or 'next' or 'near' depending on the database you're using. 30 00:03:23,533 --> 00:03:26,999 And the number of words I want between these two. 31 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:30,100 In this example we can probably just use one. 32 00:03:30,100 --> 00:03:39,266 So that will retrieve anything that has 'cognitive behaviour' within one word of 'therapy', or 'treatment', or 'control', or 'approaches'. 33 00:03:39,266 --> 00:03:44,332 And now that means that these lines here are now redundant. 34 00:03:44,333 --> 00:03:56,333 If I also want to include 'cognitive therapy' and 'cognitive training', I will need to add 'training' to our list here. 35 00:03:56,333 --> 00:04:02,033 And, if I wanted to retrieve those two I could delete 'behaviour'. 36 00:04:02,033 --> 00:04:06,533 So that would give us 'cognitive therapy', 'cognitive training'. 37 00:04:06,533 --> 00:04:13,766 But also 'cognitive behavioural therapy', 'treatment', 'control', 'approaches', or 'training'. 38 00:04:13,766 --> 00:04:18,932 I will, however, need to increase that to two. 39 00:04:18,933 --> 00:04:22,833 And now these lines are also retrieved. 40 00:04:22,833 --> 00:04:34,366 In addition, we also have mindfulness based cognitive therapy, which too will be retrieved because we have this proximity indicator here. 41 00:04:34,366 --> 00:04:45,566 So now we are left with a search that will retrieve the word 'cognitive' within two words of these possible interventions and a list of acronyms too. 42 00:04:45,566 --> 00:04:52,399 So now it's a case of condensing this search strategy down into one line, and we're ready to begin our search. 43 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:59,233 So this search is now more sensitive, because we can retrieve a wider variety of the ways in which authors describe CBT 44 00:04:59,233 --> 00:05:02,799 That may not have been picked up in our original 10 papers.