Open Research at the University of Glasgow

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Animation file providing an introduction to Open Research at the University of Glasgow
Video Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
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Animation file providing an introduction to Open Research at the University of Glasgow
Animation file providing an introduction to Open Research at the University of Glasgow
Text file containing the script for the assocaite animation file
Text file containing the script for the assocaite animation file
2 files in this resource

Open Research at the University of Glasgow

This record contains two files - a short animation to introduce the concept of open research, what processes make up open research, and how these are supported at the University of Glasgow and a text file containing the script for the animation.

Advice for reuse

Both files are licensed as CC-BY 4.0. They can be reused and distributed as needed, but please acknowledge the original creators. The file has also been uploaded to the Univerity of Glasgow Library's YouTube Channel This is the link which should be used for distribution of the animation for use.

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