Discover Resources by Tags: altmetrics
Number of items: 7.
Altmetrics for researchers
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Presented by Charlotte Perry-Houts at the University of Glasgow Research Week 2018.
Find out what altmetrics are; how Altmetric track online attention and all about the Altmetric donut and Attention Score. Discuss the advantages around alternative metrics and how to interpret the data.
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Deciding where to publish your research: webinar recording and slides
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There are qualitative and quantitative factors to consider when choosing a journal in which to publish your latest research. This webinar will unpick some of the quantitative factors in your decision-making process by exploring a range of journal indicators and how journal impact can be measured beyond citations.
This webinar recording covered:
- Journal-level indicators such as the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) and Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP), and their strengths and limitations
- Identifying top-tier journals in a subject area and comparing journals on a range of indicators
- How journals fare on rejection rates, the percent of non-cited material in a journal and the percentage of review articles
- Comparing journals on citations in patents and policy documents
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Identifying collaboration opportunities: webinar recording and slides
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Who is working in your discipline and would they make a good collaborator? Do you know who is citing your work? This webinar will help you investigate some of the quantitative and qualitative factors behind collaboration, whether those be existing or potential new collaborators, in academia or beyond.
This webinar recording covered:
- On an individual, research group and university level, evaluating existing collaborators using quantitative indicators
- Finding potential collaborators in academia, industry and government sectors
- Discover where other universities and research teams in your discipline are collaborating
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Introducing research indicators (bibliometrics and altmetrics): webinar recording and slides
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Are you confused by citation counts or are you more attentive to your Altmetric score? This webinar recording will provide you with a foundational understanding of what biblio- and altmetrics are and how you might use them to track the impact of your research, all framed by the University of Glasgow Responsible Metrics Statement.
This webinar recording covers:
- Common article and author research indicators, how they are calculated and where to find them
- The strengths and limitations of commonly used research indicators
- Some do’s and don’ts and how to combine metrics
- Some scenarios on how you might use research indicators in your discipline
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Managing your Research Reputation, or, 3 Simple Steps
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A1. Managing your research reputation: Publication metrics, altmetrics, SciVal… there are several ways of tracking who is reading, discussing and citing your research. How can you track and benchmark your performance, and use it to manage and enhance your research reputation? What steps can you take to boost your professional profile and maximise your chances of getting future grants and new collaborators? Alice Gee (Policy and Business Intelligence Manager, MVLS) and William Nixon (Assistant Director of Digital Strategy, University Library) will provide an overview of tools and strategies to help you manage your research reputation.
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Using research impact data in grant applications: webinar recording and slides
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Research funders are increasingly looking for the economic and societal impact of research, but how do you demonstrate this impact in a grant application? Using several tools, this webinar will help you track interest in your work beyond bibliometric citations.
This webinar recording covered:
- Exploring an individual’s and research group’s societal impact using Altmetric Explorer and SciVal data
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Where to publish? Navigating the publishing landscape
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“Publish or perish” is an adage that many of us working in academia will sadly be all too familiar with. However, working out how best to begin working toward publication is not a straightforward task. Amongst a complex and changing landscape of journal publishing, where trusted journal and so-called 'predatory journals' are competing for our attention, working out where to publish, and how to plan your publication strategy with your own career goals in mind can be daunting. Focusing on journal articles as a research output, this informative session led by Dr Paul Cannon (MVLS College Librarian) will discuss some of the factors that may influence a publication strategy and illustrate research impact. The session will demonstrate a range of tools that researchers can use to identify suitable outlets for their research, from journal matching services, to utilising bibliometric and altmetric data to assess research outlets and demonstrate research impact.
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