Discover Resources by Tags: consumer analysis
Number of items: 2.
Business research: key databases for economy, markets, industry and consumer information
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List of databases for finding economy, industry, markets and consumer information (reports, analysis and data). Description of database coverage, access information and help guides/videos is provided.
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Information sources on growing a business
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A guide to key sources of information on expanding a business. This includes open access information and data including:
~key Scottish Government business tools and guides on doing market research, getting funding, business incubators and accelerators
~how to understand your business with a SWOT analysis and preparing to grow and expand in to new markets
~guide to interpreting markets, market trends and competitor intelligence
~Business Gateway market Reports
~economic statistics, business survey data, UK trade data, European economic and trade data, global trade data
And specialist business information, including:
~global business environments, including statistics, country reports, expert analysis and rank data
~industry overviews and forecasts
~consumer analysis and data
~company information, including structures and financials and peer comparisons
~cities - statistics and profiles
~influencers in specific markets
~business case studies
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