Discover Resources by Tags: critical appraisal
Number of items: 7.
Critical appraisal tools for evaluating information sources
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A short guide with links to appraisal tools for evaluating information sources for credibility, authority, bias and relevance.
~CRAAP Test (California State University)
~PROMPT Tool (Open University)
~CASP Checklists (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, Oxford)
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Dissertation toolkit for Social and Political Science students
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A collection of guides to support your dissertation research including getting started, effective search techniques, selecting the best databases and search tools, finding secondary data and evaluating sources for quality and relevance.
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Dissertation toolkit for business students
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A collection of guides to support your business dissertation research, including how to get started, effective search techniques, selecting the best databases and search tools for the types of information you need, finding secondary data, and evaluating information sources for relevance and quality.
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Dissertation toolkit for education students
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A collection of guides to support your dissertation research including getting started, effective search techniques, selecting the best databases and search tools, finding secondary data and evaluating sources for quality and relevance.
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Mapping and evaluating information sources
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This guide is aimed at students planning a literature search, it follows the resource ‘Formulating a research question and structuring a literature search’. The guide will help you: - Identify appropriate resources for an assignment - Use tools designed to critically appraise the sources of information - Identify the key experts in your field. Best viewed in Slide Show mode. Resource based on 'A new curriculum for information literacy' strand 4.
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Systematic Literature Reviews in the Health and Social Sciences: Tools, Techniques and Tips
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Laura McNaughton
This interactive guide presents an accessible overview of the key principles, techniques and tools for a successful systematic literature review in the health and social sciences. Printable reading lists are included at the end of each main section, together with note-taking exercises, good practice tips and a recap quiz. This resource aims to empower undergraduate and postgraduate students to undertake literature review projects confidently and rigorously – following the most recent methodological guidance.
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Writing a literature review
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This resource provides a guide to literature reviews and why they are important. Topics covered include the classification of literature reviews, critical reviews, searching the literature, assessing and synthesising the evidence base, critical appraisal and evaluating literature reviews.
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