Searching for systematic reviews and scoping reviews

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The University of Glasgow guide to search strategies for systematic reviews in medical, veterinary and life sciences
This guide is intended to provide an overview of some of the methodological and practical considerations required when undertaking the search component of a systematic review. The guide signposts to resources to aid the process of undertaking a systematic review and enhance a review’s quality and reporting standards. The guide should, therefore, not be seen as extensive nor a handbook. This resource is not necessarily intended to be read in a linear fashion. As an example, if your search skills require development then you may wish to review the resources in the ‘Developing a search strategy’ section prior to undertaking a scoping search.

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[thumbnail of Systematic_Reviews.docx]
Systematic Literature Reviews in the Health and Social Sciences: Tools, Techniques and Tips
This interactive guide presents an accessible overview of the key principles, techniques and tools for a successful systematic literature review in the health and social sciences. Printable reading lists are included at the end of each main section, together with note-taking exercises, good practice tips and a recap quiz. This resource aims to empower undergraduate and postgraduate students to undertake literature review projects confidently and rigorously – following the most recent methodological guidance.

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Profile Picture Laura McNaughton
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Searching and reporting for systematic reviews: Class 1
[Recording to follow] This first class focusses on the initial stages of a systematic review. We will be looking at how research questions influence a search, question formulation frameworks, and what elements of a framework are appropriate to a search and what elements are better left to a manual sift against your inclusion and exclusion criteria. These factors will influence your protocol development and set us up for class 2.

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[thumbnail of 2022-23_SRCourseClass1.pptx]
Searching and reporting for systematic reviews: Class 2
This second class focusses on search methods. We will be looking at translating a question formulation framework into a workable search using text words and subject headings. We will develop these into a structured search using fields and utilise advanced search syntax to maximise the sensitivity of a search. Lastly, we will cover the search translation process, and discuss methods to save and export search histories to report search methods.

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[thumbnail of 2022-23_SRCourseClass2.pptx]
Searching and reporting for systematic reviews: Class 3
This third class concerns search methods for "other sources" of information. This class will cover the importance of searching clinical trial registers to reduce bias, searching and browsing grey literature sources, and reference and citation analysis. We will also cover search automation tools and how to report a search using PRISMA-S.

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[thumbnail of 2022-23_SRCourseClass3.pptx]
Formulating a research question and structuring a literature search
This guide is aimed at students preparing to search for information. The guide will help you: - Formulate a research question from an initial idea or assignment title - Structure your research question into format that you can use to plan a search strategy for internet or bibliographic databases. Best viewed in Slide Show mode. Resource based on 'A new curriculum for information literacy' strand 5.

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[thumbnail of Research_question.docx]
Developing literature search strategies
This guide is aimed at students undertaking a literature search, it follows the resource ‘Formulating a research question and structuring a literature search’. The guide will help you develop literature search strategies for resources in your discipline. Resource based on 'A new curriculum for information literacy' strand 5.

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[thumbnail of Search_strategies.docx]
Searching library databases
This guide provides information on searching key library databases in Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences. The searches performed in the videos take you beyond simple textword (keyword) searching and introduce a level of rigour with the addition of subject headings to a search. The processes illustrated are relevant to all types of literature review, although systematic-type searches will need to be a lot more exhaustive in the use of synonyms, acronyms and additionally searching and browsing for relevant subject headings. Refer to the database help text for detailed search guidance for each database.

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[thumbnail of Searching_library_databases.docx] [thumbnail of Ovid.mp4]
Search syntax crib sheet
Search syntax (truncation, wildcard, and proximity) crib sheet for key library databases in Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS)

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[thumbnail of Truncation and wildcard cribsheet v1.2.pptx]
Using syntax to increase the sensitivity of a search strategy
Video showing a worked example of how to use syntax to increase the sensitivity of a search strategy.

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Grey literature search process
This resource provides guidance on searching for grey literature sources and a method of recording the grey literature search process for reproducibility.

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[thumbnail of Grey literature search process.docx]
A guide to finding full-text pdfs
Information on using Library Search or browser extensions to find full-text pdf articles and what to do if full-text is not available.

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[thumbnail of Find full text v2.3.pptx]
Using EndNote to manage references in systematic reviews
EndNote files and exercise handout for the course "Using EndNote to manage references in systematic reviews". Class video recording to follow.

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Supervising systematic reviews
Lecture recording and slides from 'Supervising systematic reviews'. This lecture introduces systematic reviews as a literature type and methodology, discusses protocols as a method of scoping a review and defining the feasibility of a review. The lecture then moves to search techniques and resources students should utilise for their reviews, and reporting standards to expect in a write-up. Further resources and self-help materials are highlighted. Part of Systematic Review collection of resources (

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Introduction to systematic reviews: lecture recording and slides
Lecture recording and slides introducing searching for systematic reviews and presented to Doctorate in Clinical Psychology candidates. This lecture introduces systematic reviews as a literature type and methodology, raises potential issues when developing research questions and search strategies, and highlights sources for further guidance and support. Slides best viewed in Slide Show mode. The resources "Formulating a research question and structuring a literature search" ( and "Developing literature search strategies" ( cover the elements of literature searching in more detail.

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[thumbnail of 2023-24_SR_lecture.pptx] [thumbnail of Intro_SRs.mp4]
Systematic review workshop and journal club: recording, slides, exercises and handouts
Slides and materials from the systematic review workshop and journal club presented to Doctorate in Clinical Psycholgy trainees in academic year 2022-23. Video recording from academic year 2021-22. The combined learning objectives of the day are to: - Be able to structure a search strategy using a question formulation framework - Understand the principles of Boolean logic and search syntax in relation to a systematic review search strategy - Be able to run a search using subject headings and free text terms in the PsycINFO database - Know where to find and how to follow PRISMA reporting guidelines for systematic reviews - Be able to apply your knowledge of reporting guidelines and search strategy formulation to critically appraise a systematic review

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[thumbnail of 20231106_SRworkshop.pptx] [thumbnail of 20231106_SRJournalClub.pptx]
Systematic review skills development for Doctorate in Clinical Psychology trainees
Systematic review resouces for Doctorate in Clinical Psychology trainees (but also any University of Glasgow staff and students with NHS Scotland affiliations). These resources cover foundational literature searching skills through to advanced practices required to comply with the systematic review methodology.

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[thumbnail of 20231012_SystematicReviewSkillsDevelopment.docx]

Searching for systematic reviews and scoping reviews

A collection of resources to support researchers through the search element of a systematic or scoping review.

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