Items where Year is 2022
Number of items: 57.
Photovoltaic Systems Design: A Ridiculously Short Introduction and Future Outlook
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Prof. Rami Ghannam
List of online copyright free sources for images, video, audio and OER - general audience
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SSPS_ Selecting key discovery tools for social research
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Matching discovery tools to information needs - identifying the best tools for your specific question.
How to find research handbooks, research monographs and textbooks
Finding journal articles
Types of journal article
Multidisciplinary databases
Subject-specific databases on the Proquest and EBSCO platforms
Key databases for social research
Types of content in sociology and social sciences databases
EBSCO and Proquest search screens
Newspapers and news services
Finding grey literature
Advanced Google searching
Google Scholar settings
Getting material outside of the library collection
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SSPS_Getting started with literature searching
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The literature review – how it contributes to planning your literature search/search strategy
How searching works – how records are retrieved with different search techniques
Generating search terms (keywords) - ways to identify relevant search terms
Where to start…Library Search (and how it compares to Google Scholar)
Some search examples – how to create a search string
Useful features of Library Search – value added features to help with evaluating search results and finding related literature (research hacks to find papers)
Locating previous dissertations
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Dissertation toolkit for Social and Political Science students
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A collection of guides to support your dissertation research including getting started, effective search techniques, selecting the best databases and search tools, finding secondary data and evaluating sources for quality and relevance.
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Introduction to Research Data Management training course
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This is our online Introduction to Research Data Management course 2022-23. The current Moodle course is available at
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Matt Mahon
Taster course
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This taster course is designed to give you a flavour of the types of activities and resources you will have access to if you decide to join us.
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John Briggs
Understanding Infant Mental Health and Development Course Map
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Sophie Mason
Using other peoples work in your academic, teaching materials, course work, and research
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Copyright Basics: What is copyright (UK Law), Fair Dealing & the UK Copyright Exceptions
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Publishing and Sharing Research Software
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This resource contains guidance to be used when preparing software and code for sharing and reuse.
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Systematic Literature Reviews in the Health and Social Sciences: Tools, Techniques and Tips
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This interactive guide presents an accessible overview of the key principles, techniques and tools for a successful systematic literature review in the health and social sciences. Printable reading lists are included at the end of each main section, together with note-taking exercises, good practice tips and a recap quiz. This resource aims to empower undergraduate and postgraduate students to undertake literature review projects confidently and rigorously – following the most recent methodological guidance.
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Laura McNaughton
Dot Porter (University of Glasgow Library Research Fellow, 2020): The VisColl Project and using VCEditor
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VisColl is a system for building models of the physical collation of manuscripts, and then visualizing them in various ways. The project is led by Dot Porter at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and Alberto Campagnolo at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), in collaboration with the University of Toronto Libraries and the Old Books New Science lab. This video gives a background to the project and talks through how to use the project software.
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Robert MacLean
Data Access Statements, Identifiers and Citation
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Open Research guide to data access statements, identifiers and citation
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Matt Mahon
List of online copyright free sources for images, audio, video files, and OER
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UofG_LTC_GMH_Ensuring Diversity in Learning Materials: Whose W.O.R.D.D Counts?
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Laura McNaughton
Business research: tv and radio broadcasts, films, videos and podcasts
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A list of resources for tv and radio broadcasts, films, videos and podcasts with information on how to find individual films and AV resources on Library Search. Links to help guides are included.
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Business research: key databases for economy, markets, industry and consumer information
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List of databases for finding economy, industry, markets and consumer information (reports, analysis and data). Description of database coverage, access information and help guides/videos is provided.
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Business research: finding company information
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A list of key databases and websites for company information. Includes access information, a description of the content of the database or webpage and links to guides and videos on using the databases.
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Business research: sources for journal literature and case studies
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A list of key databases for researching business, finance and economics journal articles, and business cases
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Searching Google and Google Scholar settings for UofG students and staff
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A guide on searching Google and Google Scholar settings for students and staff, including:
~the Google index and how Google searching works
~Using search operators for more focused searching – from the basic search screen and the advanced search screen
~Site searches for targeted searches to find government, charities, organization or academic documents
~File type searches to find policies, reports, journal articles, statistics and data
~Filtering Google search results
~Google Scholar settings – linking to full text
~Citation settings for EndNote Desktop and EndNote online users
~Saving items for export from Google Scholar to EndNote
~The Google Scholar button
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PGT Dissertation Development: Your Dissertation as a Project
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Elina Koristashevskaya
Copyright free online sources for images, audio and video - UofG audience_17/02/2022
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Tips for selecting appropriate databases for your research
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A short guide with some quick tips for selecting appropriate databases for your research.
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Information sources on growing a business
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A guide to key sources of information on expanding a business. This includes open access information and data including:
~key Scottish Government business tools and guides on doing market research, getting funding, business incubators and accelerators
~how to understand your business with a SWOT analysis and preparing to grow and expand in to new markets
~guide to interpreting markets, market trends and competitor intelligence
~Business Gateway market Reports
~economic statistics, business survey data, UK trade data, European economic and trade data, global trade data
And specialist business information, including:
~global business environments, including statistics, country reports, expert analysis and rank data
~industry overviews and forecasts
~consumer analysis and data
~company information, including structures and financials and peer comparisons
~cities - statistics and profiles
~influencers in specific markets
~business case studies
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